Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals Northern Beaches Removalist & Storage Provider Mon, 06 Nov 2023 03:09:15 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Last-Minute Move Tips for a Smooth Transition Mon, 06 Nov 2023 03:09:15 +0000 Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Moving is a significant life event, and it often comes with its fair share of stress and chaos. While ideally, you would have weeks or even months to plan and execute a move, life doesn’t always go as planned. Sometimes, you find yourself in a situation where you need to move on short notice. Whether Read More

The post Last-Minute Move Tips for a Smooth Transition appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Moving is a significant life event, and it often comes with its fair share of stress and chaos. While ideally, you would have weeks or even months to plan and execute a move, life doesn’t always go as planned. Sometimes, you find yourself in a situation where you need to move on short notice. Whether it’s due to a sudden job change, family emergency, or any other reason, last-minute moves can be challenging. But fear not, with the right strategies and some quick thinking, you can navigate a last-minute move successfully. In this article, we’ll provide you with 20 of the best last-minute moving tips to help make the process as smooth as possible.


20 Best Last-Minute Moving Tips

  1. Create a checklist

Creating a thorough checklist is the initial and crucial step in handling a last-minute move. This checklist acts as a guide, keeping track of vital tasks and maintaining organisation during the hectic process. It breaks down tasks into manageable steps, making it easier to prioritise and tackle them efficiently.

  1. Get help

Moving on short notice is a substantial task. Seeking help from friends and family can greatly alleviate the load of packing and moving. Distributing tasks and assigning responsibilities can make the process more efficient and ensure timely completion.

  1. Find reliable movers

Consider hiring experienced and reliable movers for a professional approach to a last-minute move. Specialised movers in last-minute moves offer the expertise and resources to handle tight timelines. Research, read reviews, and obtain quotes to select a reputable and trustworthy moving company.

  1. Get packing supplies

Getting the required packing supplies is essential for a last-minute move. This includes boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and more. Having an adequate supply on hand is crucial to keep the packing process smooth. You can obtain these materials from various sources, like moving supply stores or reusing boxes from recent deliveries or friends who moved.

  1. Sort and declutter

Last-minute moves provide an opportunity to declutter and make quick decisions about what to take with you. Sort through your belongings, identify unnecessary items, and consider donating or selling them online to reduce the number of things you need to move. This not only saves time but also lowers moving costs.

  1. Pack strategically

Structured packing during a last-minute move involves focusing on one room at a time, beginning with less-used areas. This method maintains order amid the chaos, ensures access to essential items until the last minute, and simplifies unpacking as items from the same room are packed together.

Pre-Packing & Unpacking Services

  1. Label boxes

Labelling each box is essential while packing for a last-minute move. Clearly mark the contents and destination room to ease identification during unpacking, minimising confusion and ensuring a smoother transition. Colour-coded labels or markers can be used to differentiate boxes.

  1. Pack essentials separately

For a last-minute move, prepare a box with immediate essentials for your arrival in the new home. This “survival kit” should contain clothing, toiletries, vital documents, chargers, and other necessities. This saves you from searching through numerous boxes when you’re tired and need quick access to essential items.

  1. Notify important parties

Notifying important parties and changing your address is essential for a smooth move. Contact utility companies and the postal service to ensure a seamless transition. This prevents being charged for services at your old address and ensures your mail is forwarded to your new one. Notify financial institutions, insurance providers, and subscription services as well.

  1. Change your address

In addition to notifying parties, changing your address with institutions like your bank, DMV, and subscription services is crucial. This ensures that important documents and communications reach your new residence. Most of these institutions offer online address change forms, simplifying the process and saving time.

  1. Pack an overnight bag

Prepare an overnight bag with essentials for the first day in your new home. Include clothes, toiletries, medications, important documents, phone chargers, and immediate necessities. This ensures quick access without rummaging through boxes, especially when you’re too tired to unpack on the first day.

  1. Secure important documents

During packing, protect important documents like passports, birth certificates, financial records, and insurance papers. Store them securely in a labelled folder or portable document organiser that’s easily accessible. Carry this folder with you during the move to ensure immediate access to vital documents, rather than packing them in a box.

  1. Take photos

Taking photos of your belongings, particularly valuable or fragile items, before the move is valuable for insurance purposes. This visual record can be crucial in case of disputes with your moving company or when filing insurance claims for damaged items.

  1. Stay organised

Staying organised is the key to managing stress during a last-minute move. Keep an updated checklist as your guide for tasks and deadlines. Designate a central command centre in your home to store important documents and supplies for easy access. This ensures efficiency and control during the move.

  1. Arrange for childcare and pet care

In last-minute moves, distractions can be disruptive. Plan for childcare to keep children safe and cared for during the move. For pets, arrange care or boarding to prevent stress and interruptions. This ensures a smoother moving process.

  1. Clean as you go

Cleaning your old home during the packing process is a practical time-saving strategy. Instead of leaving cleaning tasks until the last moment, clean room by room as you pack. This maintains a clean and organised environment and ensures you leave your old home in good condition.

  1. Plan for unexpected expenses

Expect unexpected expenses in any move, including last-minute ones. Keeping extra cash on hand is a wise practice to cover unforeseen costs like extra packing supplies, unexpected transportation expenses, or other unexpected challenges. This financial cushion adds peace of mind during a potentially stressful period.

  1. Check the weather

Weather can affect your move, particularly for long-distance relocations. Stay informed about the forecast for your moving day and plan for adverse conditions, such as rain, snow, or extreme heat, with suitable clothing and protective covers for your belongings. In some cases, rescheduling the move may be necessary for safety.

  1. Have a plan for food

Staying energised is crucial during a last-minute move. Plan and prepare quick meals or snacks in advance for sustained energy. Consider packing a cooler with drinks and perishable items, or have a list of nearby restaurants and takeout options for convenient breaks.

  1. Stay positive

Maintaining a positive attitude during last-minute moves is vital. Embrace it as a fresh start and temporary chaos. Stay flexible, take breaks, and focus on the exciting new chapter in your new home. This mindset makes the process more manageable and can result in a surprisingly positive experience.

Removals & Relocations


Questions and Answers

How should I handle items I cannot bring along?

Consider donating, selling, or disposing of items you can’t take with you. Online marketplaces are handy for quick sales.

Can I pack everything in a rush?

While fast packing is possible, prioritise essential and fragile items for safety.

How do I change my address with important parties quickly?

Most utility companies and postal services offer quick online change of address forms.

What if I can’t find packing supplies at the last minute?

Check local stores, recycling centres, or ask friends and family for boxes and materials.

How do I keep track of my belongings during a hectic move?

Label boxes with contents and destination rooms. Consider a moving inventory app for digital tracking.

Should I hire professional cleaners for my old home?

Hiring cleaners saves time and ensures a well-maintained old home.

What should I do if I need to move during bad weather?

Monitor the forecast and prepare with appropriate clothing and gear.

How can I stay organised during a last-minute move?

Create a detailed checklist and prioritise tasks. Designate a command centre for documents and supplies.

Is it possible to negotiate a last-minute moving rate with movers?

Negotiation may be an option, but be aware that last-minute moves could have higher rates due to limited availability. Get multiple quotes.

Can I rent a storage unit if I can’t move everything to my new home immediately?

Renting a storage unit offers a temporary solution for items that can’t go to your new home right away.

What’s the best way to transport fragile items in a hurry?

Use proper packing materials, label boxes as fragile, and secure them well in the moving vehicle.

How do I handle utilities in my old and new homes?

Notify current utility providers of your move-out date and contact new providers for setup or transfer.

What’s the best way to stay calm during a last-minute move?

Take breaks, stay hydrated, and focus on the positive. Remember that the chaos is temporary?

What should I do if I need to move internationally on short notice?

Consult international moving experts for guidance on securing documents and permits. Consider air shipping for urgent items. International moves require thorough research and compliance with customs and laws.

See also our FAQs and Tips

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Last-minute moves can be overwhelming, but with these 20 best tips and answers to common questions, you can reduce the chaos and stress. Preparation, flexibility, and a checklist are key for success. Enlist help, find reliable movers, organise packing, and inform important parties.

Maintaining a positive mindset is crucial, as last-minute moves can be a fresh start. Unexpected challenges can occur, so be kind to yourself and stay focused on the exciting new chapter in your new home. This journey may be challenging, but the memories of your last-minute move will become a part of your story.

The post Last-Minute Move Tips for a Smooth Transition appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Pros and Cons of DIY Packing Tue, 03 Oct 2023 22:06:21 +0000 Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

  Moving to a new place involves a multitude of tasks, and one of the most significant is packing your belongings. Whether you’re moving locally or embarking on a long-distance journey, the process of packing demands careful planning and organisation. To assist you in this endeavour, we’ve compiled a list of commonly asked questions about Read More

The post Pros and Cons of DIY Packing appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.


Moving to a new place involves a multitude of tasks, and one of the most significant is packing your belongings. Whether you’re moving locally or embarking on a long-distance journey, the process of packing demands careful planning and organisation. To assist you in this endeavour, we’ve compiled a list of commonly asked questions about DIY packing and detailed the pros and cons, ensuring a smooth transition to your new home.


10 Commonly Asked Questions About DIY Packing:

Let’s start by addressing key questions that often arise when contemplating DIY packing. We’ll then delve into the advantages and disadvantages of taking charge of the packing process yourself. From understanding the necessary materials to efficient unpacking strategies, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge needed for a successful DIY move.

1. What materials do I need for DIY packing?

A fundamental question outlining the necessary packing materials such as boxes, tape, packing paper, bubble wrap, markers, and more.

2. How do I pack fragile items securely during a DIY move?

Addressing concerns about safely packing delicate items like glassware, ceramics, or electronics to prevent damage during transit.

3. What are the best practices for organising and labelling packed boxes?

Offering guidance on how to efficiently label and organise boxes to streamline the unpacking process.

4. How can I optimise space and pack efficiently when moving myself?

Providing tips on maximising space within boxes and ensuring items are packed securely to prevent shifting and damage during the move.

5. What should I do if I’m moving long-distance with a DIY approach?

Offering advice on tackling long-distance moves independently, addressing logistics and planning for a successful relocation.

6. How can I protect my furniture during a DIY move?

Discussing methods for safeguarding furniture during the moving process, including wrapping, padding, and disassembly techniques.

7. Are there specific items I should not pack when moving myself?

Highlighting items that are either hazardous or unsuitable for DIY packing and moving, emphasising safety and compliance with regulations.

8. How far in advance should I start packing for my move if I’m doing it myself?

Advising on an appropriate timeline for commencing the packing process to ensure a well-organised and stress-free move.

9. How can I efficiently unpack and settle into my new home after a DIY move?

Providing strategies for unpacking and organising belongings in the new space, making the transition smooth and efficient.

10. What are some common DIY packing mistakes to avoid?

Shedding light on potential errors to steer clear of during the packing process, ensuring a successful DIY move.

How do I save money on my move?


Here Are 10 Pros of DIY Packing:

1. Cost Savings:

DIY packing helps you save money by avoiding the costs associated with hiring professional packers.

2. Personalised Packing:

You have control over how your belongings are packed, ensuring fragile or sentimental items are handled with care based on your preferences.

3. Packing at Your Pace:

DIY packing allows you to set your packing schedule, reducing stress and ensuring a more organised moving experience.

4. Familiarity with Your Belongings:

Packing yourself allows you to become more familiar with your items, their condition, and helps in organising them efficiently.

5. Cost-Effective Packing Materials:

You can choose economical packing materials, reuse boxes, or use household items for packing, reducing overall packing expenses.

6. Decluttering Opportunity:

DIY packing encourages decluttering as you sort through your items, deciding what to keep, discard, or donate before the move.

7. Customised Organisation:

You can organise your items based on your preferences, making unpacking easier and more organised in your new home.

8. Reduced Dependence:

You are not reliant on external schedules or availability, providing flexibility in planning and executing the packing process.

9. Efficient Allocation of Items:

Packing yourself allows you to allocate items to specific boxes or areas, making unpacking and organising in your new home more efficient.

10. Environmental Considerations:

You can opt for eco-friendly packing materials and practices, aligning with your environmental values and reducing your carbon footprint during the move.

15 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Moving Company in Australia


Here Are 10 Potential Cons of DIY Packing:

1. Time-Consuming:

DIY packing can be a time-consuming task, particularly if you have a large number of items to pack and limited time available.

2. Physical Effort:

Packing can be physically demanding, requiring lifting, bending, and carrying heavy boxes, potentially causing strain or injury.

3. Inadequate Packing Skills:

Lack of experience or knowledge in packing techniques may lead to improper packing, risking damage to your belongings during the move.

4. Fragile Items Risk:

Packing delicate or fragile items incorrectly may increase the risk of breakage or damage during transit.

5. Overpacking or Underpacking:

Without professional guidance, there’s a chance of either overpacking boxes, making them too heavy, or underpacking, leading to wasted space and potential damage.

6. Emotional Stress:

Packing your belongings, especially sentimental items, can be emotionally taxing, adding to the stress of moving.

7. Lack of Insurance Coverage:

Some moving insurance policies may not cover damage caused due to DIY packing, potentially resulting in financial loss if items are damaged.

8. Organisation Challenges:

Without a professional approach, maintaining an organised packing system may be difficult, making unpacking and settling into your new home more challenging.

9. Potential Inefficiency:

Inefficient packing may result in a disorganised move, causing delays and difficulties during unpacking and setting up your new space.

10. Last-Minute Rush:

Procrastination or underestimating the time needed for packing may lead to a last-minute rush, causing added stress and potential oversights in the packing process.

See also our FAQs and Tips

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In embarking on your DIY packing adventure, you’re initiating a voyage symbolic of new beginnings, fresh opportunities, and the thrill of a change in scenery. Packing your belongings transcends the practicality of logistics—it’s a meaningful step toward your next chapter, a canvas upon which you paint the picture of your future.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ve diligently covered all aspects, leaving no stone unturned. From fundamental inquiries about packing materials to delicate strategies for securing fragile items and insights for long-distance moves—this guide is your compass through the uncharted waters of self-packing.

Our exploration into the world of pros and cons sheds light on the financial savings, personalised organisation, and sustainable practices that DIY packing can offer. However, we’ve also openly discussed the investment in time, physical effort, and the responsibility of mastering packing skills.

In summary, DIY packing extends beyond practical necessity; it’s an invitation to seize control, to inject your move with a personal touch, and to align your actions with your values. It’s a journey that will challenge your planning acumen, push your physical boundaries, and ultimately reward you with a profound sense of accomplishment as you settle into your new abode.

As you set forth on this adventure, remember that each item you carefully pack carries a piece of your history, your story, and your future. It’s an opportunity to create a new home and etch beautiful memories in a different space, leaving a unique mark on this new chapter of your life.

Approach this adventure with boundless enthusiasm, armed with the knowledge imparted by this guide, and a meticulously crafted

strategy. Here’s to your DIY packing adventure—a journey brimming with promise, possibility, and the excitement of the unknown. Happy packing, and may your new chapter be adorned with abundant joy, cosy warmth, and a tapestry of unforgettable moments!



1. Is DIY packing suitable for everyone?

Yes, DIY packing can be a great option for those who want more control over their move and are willing to invest time and effort.

2. How can I ensure the safety of fragile items when packing myself?

Use proper packing materials like bubble wrap and pack delicate items with care to minimise the risk of damage.

3. What are some eco-friendly packing materials I can use?

You can use recycled boxes and biodegradable packing materials to minimise your environmental impact.

4. Should I hire professionals for a long-distance move?

It depends on your comfort level with DIY packing and the complexity of the move. Professionals can help simplify long-distance moves.

5. How early should I start packing for a DIY move?

Start packing at least a few weeks in advance to ensure a stress-free and organised move.

The post Pros and Cons of DIY Packing appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Moving with Pets: 11 Steps to Ensure a Smooth Transition Thu, 31 Aug 2023 23:00:13 +0000 Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Moving to a new home can be both exciting and stressful for humans, but it can be even more challenging for our furry companions. Pets thrive on routine and familiarity, so uprooting them from their familiar environment can lead to anxiety and stress. However, with careful planning and consideration, you can ensure a smooth transition Read More

The post Moving with Pets: 11 Steps to Ensure a Smooth Transition appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Moving to a new home can be both exciting and stressful for humans, but it can be even more challenging for our furry companions. Pets thrive on routine and familiarity, so uprooting them from their familiar environment can lead to anxiety and stress. However, with careful planning and consideration, you can ensure a smooth transition for your pets during a move. In this article, we’ll address common questions, provide answers, and offer facts to help you navigate this process successfully.


Preparing Your Pet for the Move

Q: How can I prepare my pet for the upcoming move? Moving with Pets 2

A: Preparation is key to minimising stress for your pet. Commence by upholding their routine to the best of your ability. Gradually introduce them to moving supplies like boxes and suitcases, so they become accustomed to the changing environment. Ensure they have proper identification with updated contact information, in case they get lost during the move.

Fact: Animals, particularly cats and dogs, are highly sensitive to changes in their environment. Their sense of smell is much stronger than ours, allowing them to detect even subtle changes. This is why preparing them gradually for a move is important.


Familiarising Your Pet with the New Home

Q: Should I visit the new home with my pet before moving?

A: Whenever possible, it’s a good idea to take your pet to the new home before moving day. This will help them become familiar with the new smells and surroundings. If it’s not feasible to visit in person, you can bring back an item that smells like the new home and let your pet explore and sniff it.

Fact: Cats are particularly territorial animals. They become attached to the territory they consider their own, which is why introducing them to the new space before moving can help them adjust better.


Handling Moving Day

Q: How should I handle my pet on moving day?

A: On moving day, it’s best to keep your pet in a quiet and secure area, away from the hustle and bustle. This could be a room with their familiar belongings, where they won’t get stressed by the noise and activity. Make sure they have food, water, and any necessary medications during this time.

Fact: Dogs can be especially sensitive to the emotions of their owners. If you’re feeling stressed or anxious on moving day, your dog might pick up on these emotions. Keeping them in a calm environment can help ease their anxiety as well.


Safe Travel for Your Pet

Q: How should I transport my pet to the new home? Moving with Pets 3

A: For small pets, like cats and small dogs, a secure and well-ventilated carrier is essential. Make sure the carrier is familiar to them by placing their bedding or a piece of clothing with your scent inside. For larger dogs, it’s best to use a harness and leash for added safety during travel.

Fact: It’s important to ensure your pet’s safety while travelling. Before air travel, make sure you acquaint yourself with the airline’s pet guidelines and invest in a carrier approved by the airline. Check this article by to learn more.

Settling into the New Home

Q: How can I help my pet settle into the new home?

A: Once you’ve arrived at your new home, give your pet plenty of time to explore and get comfortable with their new surroundings. Create a designated space with their bed, toys, and belongings they recognise. Stick to their routine as closely as possible, including feeding times and walks.

Fact: Scent plays a big role in helping pets feel secure. Rubbing a soft cloth on your pet’s face and then rubbing it around the new home can help spread their scent and make the environment feel more familiar.


Building a Relationship with a New Veterinarian

Q: When should I establish a new relationship with a veterinarian? Moving with Pets 4

A: If you’re moving to a new area, it’s essential to establish a relationship with a local veterinarian as soon as possible. Ask for recommendations from neighbours or research online to find a reputable vet who can provide your pet with the care they need.

Fact: Certain areas may have different health risks for pets, such as specific tick or mosquito-borne diseases. A local veterinarian will be well-versed in these risks and can guide you on preventive measures.


Additional Steps to Reduce Pet Stress

Q: What are some additional steps I can take to reduce my pet’s stress during the move?

A: In addition to the strategies mentioned earlier, you can use pheromone products like diffusers or sprays designed to calm pets. These products release synthetic versions of comforting pheromones, which can help reduce anxiety in cats and dogs. Also, maintain your pet’s exercise routine as much as possible to help them release pent-up energy and stay relaxed.

Fact: Pheromone products mimic the natural chemical signals that animals use to communicate with each other. For example, Feliway is a synthetic feline facial pheromone that helps calm cats in stressful situations.


Adapting to the Outdoor Environment

Q: How can I help my pet adjust to their new outdoor environment? Adapting to the Outdoor Environment

A: If you’re moving to a new house with a yard, supervise your pet’s outdoor time initially. Make sure the yard is secure and free of potential hazards. Gradually increase the amount of time your pet spends outdoors, allowing them to explore and become familiar with their new surroundings. For indoor cats, consider setting up a safe and stimulating space near a window.

Fact: Cats are naturally curious and territorial. When introducing them to a new outdoor environment, use a harness and leash to prevent them from getting overwhelmed or running away. Outdoor exploration should be gradual and controlled.


Recognising Signs of Stress

Q: What signs should I look for to determine if my pet is stressed or anxious?

A: Pets may exhibit various signs of stress, including excessive grooming, loss of appetite, hiding, restlessness, and changes in behaviour. Monitor your pet closely during the moving process and in the days following the move. If you notice any concerning behaviours, consult your veterinarian for guidance on managing their stress.

Fact: Dogs may show stress by excessive panting, yawning, or pacing. Cats may hide, avoid interactions, or become more vocal. However, remember that some changes in behaviour are normal as pets adjust to a new environment.


Moving with Exotic Pets or Birds

Q: Are there any specific considerations for moving with exotic pets or birds? Moving with Exotic Pet

A: Exotic pets like reptiles, birds, and small mammals have specialised habitat requirements. Research the specific needs of your exotic pet and consult a veterinarian experienced in exotic animal care. Maintain their habitat temperature and humidity levels during transportation, and ensure they are securely housed to prevent escape.

Fact: Birds, in particular, can be sensitive to changes in routine and environment. Covering their cage partially during travel can help reduce stress. Ensure that the cage is well-ventilated and that the bird cannot get caught in any moving parts.


The Role of Patience and Positive Reinforcement

Q: What is the role of patience and positive reinforcement in helping pets adjust?

A: Patience is vital when moving with pets. Understand that it might take time for your furry friend to feel comfortable in the new environment. Use positive reinforcement techniques to reward good behaviour and help them associate positive experiences with the new home. This can include treats, affection, and praise.

Fact: Dogs, in particular, thrive on positive reinforcement. Reward-based training methods can help them build confidence and establish a positive connection with the new space.



Moving with pets necessitates empathy, planning, and understanding their needs. Prioritising your pet’s well-being is crucial as you navigate this journey together. Gradual acclimatisation, introducing them to the new home, and providing a secure space on moving day lay the groundwork for a seamless transition. Tailoring your approach to their sensitivities, such as their heightened sense of smell and territorial instincts, is essential. Consistency, familiar scents, and positive associations with the new environment offer stability during change.

While challenges arise, the benefits of a smooth transition are immense. Consultation with a local vet, pheromone products, and safe outdoor zones affirm your commitment to their comfort. Ultimately, your patience and proactive care shape their adjustment. Vigilantly observe their behaviour, promptly addressing stress signs. Your support fosters their adaptation and flourishing in the new home. This journey underscores the special bond shared with pets, reflecting your dedication to their joy and well-being. It highlights the profound relationship between humans and animals, founded on love and a shared journey through life’s enriching experiences.


See also our FAQs and Tips

Chat with our team 📞1300 420 958

The post Moving with Pets: 11 Steps to Ensure a Smooth Transition appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

A Guide to Removalists in Sydney Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:15:17 +0000 Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Moving Smoothly Moving to a new location, whether it’s a new home or office, is a significant event in one’s life. It encompasses a blend of excitement and apprehension, encompassing a wide spectrum of tasks, ranging from meticulous packing and systematic organisation to the intricate choreography of transportation and the eventual process of unpacking. In Read More

The post A Guide to Removalists in Sydney appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Moving Smoothly

Moving to a new location, whether it’s a new home or office, is a significant event in one’s life. It encompasses a blend of excitement and apprehension, encompassing a wide spectrum of tasks, ranging from meticulous packing and systematic organisation to the intricate choreography of transportation and the eventual process of unpacking. In a bustling city like Sydney, where life moves at a fast pace, enlisting the services of professional removalists can make a world of difference. This article will delve into the world of removalists in Sydney, offering valuable information, answering common questions, and providing useful tips for a seamless moving experience.

Frequently Asked Questions about Removalists in Sydney

What do removalists do?

Removalists, often referred to as movers, are professionals who specialise in helping individuals and businesses relocate their belongings from one place to another. Their services typically include packing, loading, transportation, unloading, and sometimes even unpacking.

Why should I hire a removalist?

Hiring a removalist can simplify the moving process significantly. They have the expertise, equipment, and manpower to handle various aspects of the move, reducing stress and ensuring your belongings are handled with care.

What is the expense associated with engaging a removalist service in Sydney?

The cost of hiring a removalist varies depending on factors such as the distance of the move, the volume of belongings, additional services required, and the specific company you choose. It’s advisable to obtain quotes from different removalists to compare prices.

Are my belongings insured during the move?

Most reputable removalists offer insurance options to cover your belongings in case of damage or loss during the moving process. It’s essential to discuss insurance details and terms with the removalist before the move. Please check out Removal Insurance Solutions FAQ to know more.

When should I book a removalist?

It’s recommended to book a removalist as early as possible, especially during peak moving seasons. This helps ensure you secure the desired moving date and allows the removalist to adequately prepare for the move.

Facts about Removalists in Sydney

Diverse Services

Removalists in Sydney often offer a range of services beyond just transporting goods. These may include packing supplies, dismantling and assembling furniture, storage options, and even pet transportation.

Experience Matters

With Sydney’s complex traffic patterns and diverse neighbourhoods, experienced removalists can navigate the city more efficiently, ensuring a smoother and quicker move.

Eco-Friendly Options

Many removalists are adopting environmentally friendly practices by using eco-friendly packing materials, energy-efficient vehicles, and promoting recycling.

Customised Solutions

Removalists understand that every move is unique. They offer tailored solutions to meet individual needs, whether it’s a small apartment move or a large office relocation.


Tips for a Successful Move with Removalists

Plan Ahead

Begin planning your move well in advance. Make a checklist of tasks, and communicate your requirements to the removalist to ensure a seamless process.


Before packing, declutter your belongings. Dispose of belongings that are no longer necessary or in use. This reduces the volume to be moved and can lower your overall moving costs.

Labelling and Inventory

Clearly label boxes with their contents and the room they belong to. Create an inventory list to keep track of your belongings and ensure nothing goes missing.


Maintain open communication with the removalist. Inform them about fragile items, special requirements, and any potential challenges at your current or new location.

Pack Essentials Separately

Pack a bag with essential items you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new place. This comprises personal care products, a change of attire, crucial documents, and fundamental kitchen essentials.


step-by-step guide to help you select the right removalist company

The decision to hire a removalist company is a crucial one, and selecting the right one can make a significant difference in the smoothness of your move. With numerous removalist options available in Sydney, it’s important to make an informed choice. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you select the right removalist company for your needs.

Research and Shortlist

Start by researching removalist companies in Sydney. Look for companies with positive reviews, established reputations, and a range of services that match your requirements. Narrow down the choices to a handful that show potential.

Get Quotes

Contact the shortlisted removalists and request detailed quotes for your move. Be specific about the services you need, such as packing, loading, and any special items that require careful handling. Compare the quotes to get a clear idea of the costs involved.

Check Credentials

Ensure that the removalist companies you’re considering are licensed and insured. This provides you with protection in case of any unforeseen incidents during the move.

Read Reviews

Allocate some time to peruse reviews left by previous patrons. Reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality of service, professionalism, and reliability of the removalist company.

Visit Their Office

If possible, visit the offices of the removalist companies you’re considering. This gives you an opportunity to gauge their level of organisation, equipment, and overall professionalism.

Ask About Insurance

Inquire about the insurance options offered by each removalist company. Understand the coverage provided, and any additional costs associated with insuring your belongings.

Discuss Special Requirements

If you have specific items that require special handling, such as delicate antiques or valuable electronics, discuss these requirements with the removalist companies to ensure they can accommodate your needs.

Check Availability

Confirm the availability of your preferred removalist company on your desired moving date. During peak moving seasons, it’s essential to book well in advance.

Ask About Additional Services

In addition to basic moving services, inquire about any additional services the removalist company offers, such as packing supplies, temporary storage, or assistance with unpacking.

Finalise and Confirm

Once you’ve gathered all the necessary information, finalise your decision and confirm the booking with the chosen removalist company. Make sure you have a written agreement that outlines the services, costs, and any special terms.

By following these steps, you can confidently select a removalist company that aligns with your needs and ensures a smooth and stress-free moving experience.


Navigating the Challenges of Moving in Sydney: Tips and Tricks

Moving within a bustling city like Sydney comes with its own set of challenges. The densely populated neighbourhoods, traffic congestion, and limited parking spaces can make the process more complex. Here are some additional tips and tricks to help you navigate the challenges of moving in Sydney:

Obtain Permits

If you’re moving into or out of an apartment building or a location with restricted parking, obtain the necessary permits for the removalist truck to park conveniently.

Time Your Move

Consider the time of day for your move. Moving during off-peak hours can help you avoid heavy traffic and make the process smoother.

Notify Authorities

If your move involves blocking roads or pathways, notify local authorities in advance to minimise disruptions and ensure a smooth flow of traffic.

Pack an Essentials Box

In addition to packing essentials separately, create a box of immediate essentials that you’ll need upon arrival. Include snacks, beverages, phone chargers, and any important medications.

Stay Hydrated

Moving day can be physically demanding. Stay hydrated and take breaks to avoid exhaustion, especially during Sydney’s warm weather.

Utilise Technology

Use navigation apps to help the removalist truck navigate through the city efficiently, avoiding congested routes.

Label Fragile Items Clearly

Clearly mark boxes containing fragile items and communicate their importance to the removalist team.

Stay Informed About Weather

Sydney’s weather can be unpredictable. Stay informed about the weather forecast and prepare accordingly, especially if your move involves outdoor activities.

Keep Important Documents Close

Carry important documents, such as leases, contracts, and identification, with you rather than packing them with your belongings.

Express Gratitude

Show appreciation to the removalist team for their hard work. A small gesture, such as providing refreshments, can go a long way in creating a positive atmosphere.



Embarking on a journey to a new home or office in Sydney can be both exhilarating and demanding. The multifaceted nature of moving necessitates thoughtful planning, meticulous execution, and a touch of resilience.

Professional Assistance for a Smooth Move

The decision to entrust your belongings to professional removalists is a strategic one, borne out of the desire for a stress-free and efficient move. By collaborating with experienced removalist companies, you gain access to a wealth of expertise, resources, and personalised solutions that simplify the process from start to finish.

Key Takeaways

From understanding the essential role of removalists and the benefits they bring, to unravelling the nuances of pricing, insurance, and timing, this guide has unveiled the key considerations to streamline your move. The insights into the dynamic landscape of Sydney’s removalist services, from eco-friendly practices to diverse service offerings, have illuminated the array of options at your disposal.

Practical Advice for a Seamless Move

Armed with practical advice on labelling, inventory management, communication, and essentials packing, you’re poised to orchestrate a move that’s as organised as it is efficient. Furthermore, the step-by-step guide to selecting the ideal removalist company ensures that you embark on this collaborative journey well-prepared and informed.

Navigating Sydney’s Unique Challenges

As you brace for the unique challenges posed by Sydney’s urban fabric – the labyrinthine streets, bustling traffic, and logistical intricacies – the additional tips and tricks offer a road map for overcoming hurdles with finesse. By leveraging permits, strategic timing, and technology, you can navigate the cityscape with confidence, optimising each step of the process.

Expressing Appreciation

Lastly, fostering a positive and appreciative atmosphere is not only considerate, but also fosters goodwill. Expressing gratitude to the hardworking removalist team can set the tone for a harmonious collaboration, making your move a memorable and gratifying experience.

Embracing the Journey

In the tapestry of life’s milestones, the act of moving holds a distinct place. It’s a fusion of endings and beginnings, a tangible transformation that propels us forward. With the insights and wisdom imparted in this guide, you’re well on your way to not just moving smoothly but embracing the journey with open arms. As you step into your new space in Sydney, may it be the canvas upon which you paint a new chapter of your life, one characterised by growth, discovery, and fulfilment.


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The post A Guide to Removalists in Sydney appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

15 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Moving Company in Australia Tue, 15 Aug 2023 02:05:45 +0000 Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Moving to a new place is an exciting adventure, but the actual process of relocating can be overwhelming and stressful. Luckily, there’s a solution that can ease the burden: hiring a professional moving company. In Australia, these companies offer a wide range of services that simplify the entire moving process, ensuring a smooth and efficient Read More

The post 15 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Moving Company in Australia appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Moving to a new place is an exciting adventure, but the actual process of relocating can be overwhelming and stressful. Luckily, there’s a solution that can ease the burden: hiring a professional moving company. In Australia, these companies offer a wide range of services that simplify the entire moving process, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition. In this article, we’ll explore the many advantages of enlisting the help of a professional moving company in Australia.

Professional Moving Company - couple resting after packing

Expertise and Experience of Professional Moving Company

One of the primary benefits of hiring professionals is their expertise and experience in handling all aspects of the moving process. These companies employ trained professionals who are knowledgeable in efficient packing techniques, handling delicate items, and navigating logistical challenges. With their expertise, they can ensure that your belongings are packed safely, transported securely, and delivered to your new location without any damage or loss.

Efficiency and Time-Saving

Moving involves numerous tasks that can consume a significant amount of time and effort. By hiring a professional moving company, you can save valuable time and focus on other important aspects of your relocation. These companies employ efficient packing methods, have the proper equipment, and follow a streamlined process to ensure a swift and organised move. From packing and loading to transportation and unloading, they take care of everything, allowing you to settle into your new home more quickly and with less hassle.

Access to Necessary Equipment and Resources

Professional moving companies have the necessary equipment and resources to handle moves of all sizes and complexities. They are equipped with moving trucks, dollies, ramps, and other tools required for lifting and moving heavy items. Additionally, they have access to packing materials like boxes, bubble wrap, and packing tape, ensuring the safe transportation of your belongings. By relying on their resources, you avoid the hassle and expense of acquiring these items yourself.

Insurance Coverage and Liability Protection

By hiring a professional moving company, you gain the advantage of insurance coverage and liability protection. Reputable moving companies offer insurance options that safeguard your belongings against loss or damage during the move. In case of any unfortunate incidents, the moving company will take responsibility, ensuring that you are fairly compensated for any losses incurred.

Stress Reduction and Peace of Mind

Perhaps one of the most significant advantages of hiring a professional moving company is the reduction of stress and the peace of mind it brings. Relocating can be mentally and physically draining, but with professionals handling the logistics, you can focus on other important aspects of your move, such as settling into your new home and acclimating to a new environment. Knowing that your belongings are in the hands of trained professionals alleviates the stress and uncertainty associated with moving.

Customised Services and Flexibility

Professional moving companies understand that each move is unique, and they offer customised services to cater to your specific needs. Whether you are moving locally, long-distance, or internationally, they can tailor their services accordingly. From providing packing assistance to offering storage solutions, professional movers can accommodate your requirements. Moreover, they offer flexible scheduling options, allowing you to choose a moving date and time that best suits your convenience. This flexibility ensures that your move is personalised and meets your specific timeline.

Proper Handling of Specialised Items

During a move, you may have delicate or specialised items that require extra care and attention. Professional movers have the expertise to handle such items with precision and care. Whether it’s fragile artwork, valuable antiques, musical instruments, or sensitive electronic equipment, they employ specialised packing techniques and use appropriate materials to protect these items during transit. By entrusting these items to professionals, you can have peace of mind knowing that they will be handled and transported safely.

Efficient Disassembly and Assembly of Furniture

Disassembling and reassembling furniture can be a challenging and time-consuming task. However, professional moving companies have the necessary skills and tools to efficiently dismantle and assemble your furniture. They are experienced in handling various types of furniture, including bulky and complex pieces. By letting the experts handle this process, you can avoid the frustration of dealing with complicated assembly instructions and save time and effort.

Compliance with Safety Regulations

Professional moving companies in Australia adhere to safety regulations and industry standards to ensure a secure moving experience. They have trained staff who follow proper lifting techniques to prevent injuries and accidents. Additionally, they employ secure packing methods to minimise the risk of damage during transportation. By hiring professionals, you minimise the chances of personal injuries and property damage, making your move safer and worry-free.

Cost-Effective in the Long Run

While it may seem tempting to undertake a DIY move to save money, hiring a professional moving company can actually be cost-effective in the long run. When you consider the expenses associated with renting moving trucks, purchasing packing materials, fuel costs, and the potential for damages or injuries, the overall cost can quickly add up. Professionals offer thorough services at a fair cost, safeguarding your belongings and reducing extra expenses.

Efficient Inventory Management

Professional moving companies employ efficient inventory management systems to ensure that nothing gets misplaced or left behind. They carefully label and document each item, creating a comprehensive inventory list. This systematic approach not only helps in organising your belongings but also provides you with a clear record of what has been packed and transported. It simplifies the unpacking process at your new location and allows you to easily identify any missing items.

Local Knowledge and Navigation

If you’re moving to a new city or neighbourhood within Australia, professional movers with local knowledge can be invaluable. They are familiar with the area, including potential traffic patterns, parking restrictions, and local regulations. This familiarity enables them to plan and execute your move efficiently, avoiding unnecessary delays or complications. They can also provide you with valuable information about your new location, such as the best routes to take or local amenities, making your transition smoother.

Reliability and Accountability

When you hire a professional moving company, you can rely on their commitment to delivering exceptional service. They understand the importance of punctuality and strive to meet agreed-upon timelines. Professional movers value their reputation and aim to provide a positive experience for their customers. They are accountable for the safe and timely transport of your belongings, ensuring that you can trust them to handle your move with the utmost care and professionalism.

Reduced Physical Strain and Injury Risk

Moving heavy furniture and boxes can put a significant strain on your body, leading to muscle strains, back injuries, or other physical discomfort. Professional movers are trained to handle heavy lifting and manoeuvring bulky items safely. They have the necessary equipment, such as dollies and straps, to minimise physical strain and reduce the risk of injuries. By entrusting these tasks to professionals, you can protect your health and well-being during the moving process.

Post-Move Support and Services

Some professional moving companies in Australia offer additional post-move support and services to ensure a smooth transition into your new home. These services may include unpacking assistance, furniture placement, and debris removal. Professional assistance with unpacking and setup saves time, helping you settle in swiftly. The convenience of these supplementary services adds another layer of value to hiring a professional moving company.



Simplifying the Moving Process

Hiring a professional moving company in Australia brings forth an array of advantages that significantly simplify and enhance the entirety of your moving experience. From their exceptional expertise and rich experience to their adept inventory management and local familiarity, these professional movers offer a comprehensive range of benefits that collectively transform the daunting task of relocation into a smoother and more manageable journey.

Ensuring Safe Arrival

By entrusting your move to these seasoned professionals, you can embrace a heightened sense of tranquility, knowing that your cherished possessions will be treated with the utmost care. This assurance translates into the secure arrival of your belongings at your new location, allowing you to settle into your new space without the worry of damage or loss.

Alleviating Stress and Uncertainty

Access to essential equipment, coupled with the safety net of insurance coverage and liability protection, effectively alleviates the inherent stress and uncertainties associated with the moving process. The professional moving companies stand as reliable partners, shouldering the burden and ensuring a smoother transition.

Tailored Services and Flexibility

The adaptability of professional movers shines through in their customized services and flexible approach. Whether handling specialized items, intricate furniture assembly, or ensuring compliance with safety regulations, they excel in addressing your distinct requirements while adhering to the timeline you set.

Unveiling True Cost-Effectiveness

While some perceive professional moving as expensive, a holistic perspective reveals its cost-effectiveness. With potential risks and DIY expenses, hiring professionals proves a prudent choice, minimizing complications and unexpected costs.

Smooth Transition into Your New Home

Professional moving companies provide not only efficient inventory management but also local knowledge that aids in a seamless transition to your new living space. Their familiarity with the area, traffic patterns, and regulations ensures a smoother move-in process, minimizing disruptions and delays.

Reliability, Accountability, and Beyond

The reliability and accountability of professional movers stand as pillars of their service. Committed to excellence, they safely transport your belongings, letting you focus on settling in.

Beyond the Move

Professional moving companies often offer post-move support and supplementary services that extend their value beyond the physical move itself. From unpacking assistance to debris removal, they continue to support your transition, making the process even more convenient and stress-free.

A Wise Investment for a Seamless Move

In essence, the decision to hire a professional moving company in Australia isn’t just a choice—it’s a wise investment. This investment yields saved time, reduced stress, and a successful transition. With their expertise, resourcefulness, and care, professional movers ensure a seamless and enjoyable move.

The post 15 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Moving Company in Australia appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Red flags when shopping for removalist companies Fri, 16 Sep 2016 03:58:14 +0000 Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

While most moving companies are honest, the moving industry is unregulated therefore is vulnerable to scams and unfortunately has attracted some unscrupulous operators. Rogue movers typically work like this: Without ever visiting your home or seeing the goods you want moved, they’ll give you a low-ball estimate over the phone or online. Then, once your Read More

The post Red flags when shopping for removalist companies appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

While most moving companies are honest, the moving industry is unregulated therefore is vulnerable to scams and unfortunately has attracted some unscrupulous operators. Rogue movers typically work like this:

Without ever visiting your home or seeing the goods you want moved, they’ll give you a low-ball estimate over the phone or online. Then, once your goods are on their truck they’ll hold your goods to ransom and demand more money than was originally agreed to.

While you may have some legal recourse should you be put in this situation, such action is costly, time-consuming and is likely to add considerably to the stress you’re already experiencing due to the unsettling nature of moving house.

Your best defence: recognise a rogue mover before they have their claws in your goods.

Be on the lookout for these red flags:

  • No Inspection: The mover doesn’t offer or agree to an on-site inspection of your goods and gives an estimate over the phone or internet – sight unseen. These estimates often sound too good to be true. They usually are.
  • Upfront payment: While it’s common practice for reputable removalist companies to accept a small deposit upon acceptance of a quote to cover themselves should clients cancel at the last minute, it’s unreasonable for removals companies to demand full payment or a large deposit before the move. Be alert should such a request be made.
  • No local address: The company’s website has no local address. Know who you’re dealing with by asking questions. And where will you go to recover your deposit should there be a no-show on move day?
  • Office condition: Office and/or warehouses are in poor condition. Shoddy workplaces will often reflect shoddy work practices. How much do you value your possessions?
  • Insurance claims: The moving company assures you all your goods are covered by their own insurance without providing options for third party cover. Why is this important? Please refer to our moving insurance page for more information.
  • No company name: The telephone is answered with a generic, “Moving company” or “Movers”, never disclosing or revealing their company name (assuming they have one). Moving is costly enough without being ripped off as well – know who you’re dealing with.
  • Rental trucks: On moving day along comes a rental truck with no specialist fit out, removals equipment or signage. Don’t expect your goods to arrive at their destination in the same serviceable condition they were in prior to being loaded into the truck.
  • AFRA membership?: The Australian Furniture Removers Association (AFRA) only accredits professional furniture removalists who possess the necessary equipment, vehicles, premises and trained staff to complete a professional move. It’s advisable to use AFRA members only.

And these are just a few of the warning signs!

If you’d like to enlist the services of a professional removalist company that possesses the goods to carry your goods, give Pittwater Removals & Storage a call on 1300 420 958 or send us a quick quote request and we’ll get back to you asap.


The post Red flags when shopping for removalist companies appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

How To Spot A Bad Removalist Company Wed, 08 Jul 2015 05:58:30 +0000 Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

How To Spot A Bad Removalist Company One of the most stressful times in your life can be moving home. The whole experience can be quite traumatic, not to mention expensive, so it’s important to ensure you don’t get ripped off by the removalist company in the process. The department of Fair Trading receives thousands Read More

The post How To Spot A Bad Removalist Company appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

How To Spot A Bad Removalist Company

One of the most stressful times in your life can be moving home. The whole experience can be quite traumatic, not to mention expensive, so it’s important to ensure you don’t get ripped off by the removalist company in the process.

The department of Fair Trading receives thousands of complaints a year, many about removalist companies that have ripped off their customers, mostly to do with lost or damaged property, overcharging or hidden costs and in some case theft or holding customers to ransom, while demanding more money before releasing their home contents.

Don’t let this happen to you…

Bad RemovalistOn a recent move from our family home of 19 years, I was fairly out of touch with the modern landscape of removalist scams and just thought I would choose the guys I had seen in my local area for years, thinking that they were probably a reliable bunch to work with.

I like most people moving home, was decidedly stressed trying to organise the electricity account getting shut off and put on in the new home, cancelling and redirecting mail, notifying every organisation tied to my old address that we would be found in our new location, putting an ad in the local paper for our garage sale, getting rid of junk we didn’t want to take with us, cleaning out the yard and house for the new owners and the list goes on.

Amidst all the confusion and hassle, I apparently didn’t read the contract too well for the removalist company we decided to use, and was about to find out that I should have paid closer attention to the fine print.

On the day of the move, we had booked one large van and 3 workman to handle the task of moving a family of six and our dog. Well, they turned up with two vans and 6 men and offered to bring them on to our job and get it over faster.

This seemed like a great deal, us out and in at double speed. So I agreed and off they went to do their stuff, while I and my wife relaxed, (sort of) and watched them handle the heavy lifting. All the while believing that doubling the men and vans would halve the time and keep the cost the same.

After everything was done and we were in our new home, they hit us with a cash demand $1,000 over what they had quoted. I thought there must be some mistake, but no, there it was in the fine print, if an extra truck is required for the removal, an additional fee will be charged.

They Stung Me For An Extra $1,000!

Ouch, as if the whole moving experience was not expensive enough, I had to fork out a total of $4,500 which was a thousand dollars more than our moving budget had allowed for.

So before you go ahead and sign up with a removalist company that might just take more than just your home contents for a ride, I have assembled a list of potential pitfalls and possible scams you need to know about, especially considering it could save you thousands of dollars.

Questions To Ask The Removalist Company:

  1.  How long will the move take?
  2.  Do they charge an hourly rate or a flat rate?
  3.  Are there any additional costs that need to be considered?
  4.  If there are delays with the move, will there be a storage charge?
  5.  Do they accept payment by cheque or credit card?
  6.  What amount of money is required for a deposit?

In their written quote can they outline the “tariff” items that determine maximum cost for additional items such as property access, stairs and abnormally large items that might require additional manpower to move.

Movers that insist on cash only payments should be avoided, as you will have better protection legally if you have proof of your monies transferred to their company, in the event of something going wrong.

Removalists that demand an overly large deposit of more than 20% should be avoided, as getting your money back when they don’t turn up on the right day and mess up your move, could be quite difficult.

Good Advice: Make sure to choose a removalist who is a member of the Australian Furniture Removers Association. By doing so you will be ensuring that you have chosen a professional organisation that will take good care of not only your beloved family possessions but look after your finances in the process.

Step 1:
Screen Potential Removalist Companies with the following:

A. Do A Google Search For – Removal Company Name + Complaint: If anyone has had a bad experience with the company, then it should show up on one of the many review type websites. If a company has a poor reputation and many bad reviews, then this is a red flag.

B. Get Written Estimates: no reputable removal company will give you a firm estimate over the phone or via the Internet, sight unseen. Getting an in home inspection of your complete list of furnishings and household goods, is the only way to accurately assess the situation. Avoid companies that refuse to come to you first before they quote or estimate the total cost of the move.

C. Compare Estimates Side By Side: If one company is significantly cheaper that the others, the be warned, this is more than likely someone trying to hide the extra costs that they will spring on you once you are committed and standing on the driveway of your new home and them demanding a higher fee. Use our handy Quote Comparison form by clicking here.

D. Confirm Insurance: Find out what is covered by the removalist companies insurance. Make sure they have insurance, which they must by law and insist upon full disclosure of the fine print details. Don’t just think that their insurance will cover everything, only to find out that after them damaging your lovely flat screen TV, that “we’re sorry, insurance doesn’t cover electronic goods”.

E. Confirm Subcontractor Or Not: Ask if the company will be handling the move directly or will be handing this job off to a subcontractor. Confirm that the moving staff are full time employees or just temporary staff. You want to be dealing with professionals, not your average handyman types, who may lack experience and damage your goods or property. Additional screening questions:


Step 2:
Download Our – Estimates Comparison Form

comparison-chartTo make it easy to compare removalist companies side-by-side please download and print the Estimates Comparison Form to easily compare up to 5 removalist companies, so you can find the clear winner, when all factors are considered.

Click here, to download the form. It’s Free and it could save you thousands!

The post How To Spot A Bad Removalist Company appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Will my Home & Contents Insurance Policy cover the removal or storage insurance? Wed, 02 Jul 2014 06:15:16 +0000 Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Will my Home & Contents Insurance Policy cover the removal insurance? Contact your insurer to find out if this is the case. Many people think their home contents insurance covers transit of their goods when they move house. If it is, it is also important to find out exactly what is covered. An authorised AFRA Read More

The post Will my Home & Contents Insurance Policy cover the removal or storage insurance? appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Will my Home & Contents Insurance Policy cover the removal insurance?

Contact your insurer to find out if this is the case. Many people think their home contents insurance covers transit of their goods when they move house. If it is, it is also important to find out exactly what is covered. An authorised AFRA member can offer a full range of cover from Restricted to Full Cover if you are not satisfied with the level of cover offered by your home contents policy.

Does my Home & Contents Insurance cover my goods while in store?

Contact your insurance company and find out exactly what your cover is for. Make sure they are aware that your goods will be stored in a bulk storage facility with no access to the public. This may affect the level of cover offered. An authorised AFRA member can can offer either Restricted or Full cover of your goods while in store. To take advantage of Full cover, the goods also need to be insured for Full Cover transit insurance when coming into store and going out of store.

The post Will my Home & Contents Insurance Policy cover the removal or storage insurance? appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

What is Removal Transit Insurance? Fri, 04 Apr 2014 03:48:27 +0000 Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

What is Removal Transit Insurance? Well, removal transit insurance means your goods are insured while they are being transported. This means it only covers your goods while they are in a vessel (like a truck, ship, and aircraft) for fire, flood, overturning, lightning, collisions and accidents. A lot of people think if another vehicle runs Read More

The post What is Removal Transit Insurance? appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

What is Removal Transit Insurance?Removal Transit Insurance

Well, removal transit insurance means your goods are insured while they are being transported. This means it only covers your goods while they are in a vessel (like a truck, ship, and aircraft) for fire, flood, overturning, lightning, collisions and accidents. A lot of people think if another vehicle runs into the truck won’t they have insurance like 3rd party property. Yes, but if the driver of the other vehicle in under the influence of drugs or alcohol, even if they have insurance the insurance company will wipe them as this is outside of their policy conditions.

Sometimes there is the case where the driver has no insurance, registration or no driver’s licence, so they have no cover. Transit insurance will not only cover for these types of situations, it also covers you if there is no-one to blame.

I have a story that happened a few years ago of a removalist company that was driving a truck load of furniture to Melbourne. On the way, the driver stopped at a rest area for a break. That particular day it was quite windy. As the driver was in the bathroom, a huge gum tree fell over onto the middle of the truck pan and crushed it. The removal company have comprehensive insurance to cover their truck, so they were fine, however the goods are not covered, and you can’t take a tree to court. The customers in this story did not have transit insurance to cover their goods. The customers still had to pay the removalist as they had done nothing wrong, plus they had to pay for another truck to come out and salvage what they could. And as they were salvaging the goods it started to rain, so whatever wasn’t damaged got wet.

This is an amazingly unlucky story, but you never know what can happen. Transit insurance seems cheap when you consider what can happen.

The post What is Removal Transit Insurance? appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Does my Home & Contents Insurance Policy cover my move? Fri, 04 Apr 2014 03:42:18 +0000 Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

This question is asked a lot. The name of this type of insurance policy is called ‘Transit Insurance’ or ‘Restricted Cover’. It covers your goods while they are in the truck only. Outside of the truck to the house is called ‘All Risk’. All Risk is a more extensive and totally different cover which includes Read More

The post Does my Home & Contents Insurance Policy cover my move? appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

Originally sourced from Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.

This question is asked a lot.Home & Contents Insurance Policy

The name of this type of insurance policy is called ‘Transit Insurance’ or ‘Restricted Cover’. It covers your goods while they are in the truck only. Outside of the truck to the house is called ‘All Risk’. All Risk is a more extensive and totally different cover which includes transit insurance cover, which I will explain in another post.

Many people think their home contents insurance covers insurance of their goods when they’re moving however this is not always the case. From my research, I have only found one company that provides transit insurance only. It is important to find out exactly what is covered, so check your policy wording and contact your insurance company. It’s a good idea to contact your insurance company anyway as your living conditions and belonging will change, so will your policy. For example, different areas are considered more or less risk depending on the terrain, house values are different and your amount of furniture may change, more items or less items.

Most polices can be transferred to your new house, but if there is a delay from when you move out till when you move in the insurance company may make you cancel your policy and start a new one.


The post Does my Home & Contents Insurance Policy cover my move? appeared first on Sydney & Northern Beaches Removalist | Pittwater Removals.
